Gold Nuggets!!! Free to All Registered Owners of File Magician (while the supply lasts) The first question everyone will ask is why am I giving away Gold Nuggets. The answer is simple. I must increase sales of FM, and I have quite a few Gold Nuggets that I have personally found this year. Unfornutally they are not Large Nuggets as one would hope but they are of jewelery class and this year I got lucky. Last year I didn't find ONE out of maybe 80 days of searching. Gold hunting is what I do during the summer to get back in shape after countless hours behind a computer during the winter getting flabby. Parting with these Nuggets is impossible to explain to you because it is a feeling of something of value that I personally have found that no else in the history of mankind has ever seen before and gold is and was the the most sought after precious metal in all history. But I found it where all others have failed. The feeling is indescribable. I have a strong feeling for File Magician too and I feel that it can (if it isn't already, grin) be the greatest of all file management programs for the PC! But I do need registrations at a faster pace to continue its development and I'm willing to sacififice my gold for File Magician! Finding Gold of any size now days is extremely rare, especially using methods that are non-destructive to the environment. To be non-destructive you must use hand tool methods that do not disturb the landscape. Big mining companies remove whole mountains and grind the ore into flour like dust where the gold is chemically removed. There is lots of volumn this way but no nuggets! The Nugget that you receive is from one of the pureist gold regions of the Northwest, and the gold content is .982 fine or 24K. The Nuggets of course vary in sizes and many are worth many times the price of FM. To give you a example, a gold nugget wholesale to a jeweler is $24.95 plus spot for a nugget 2mm to 3mm in size. Spot means bullion price at the time of the sale, so weight+dollars = nugget price. So to make things fair I have packaged up my nuggets and put them in a sack. When a FM order goes out I reach grab the first package in the bag and that is the one that gets mailed with the order. I am surprised what a person doesn't get when they register shareware. Most don't even get a manual let alone a disk in the mail with the latest update. With us you get the latest update, a manual, personal support as many of you know AND now a Real Gold Nugget! I would bet that this is the first time in computer history that a Gold Nugget has been included in any software package! grin. As you see this is a for real offer and you can help us greatly by spreading the word of what we are doing and of course all the great things about File Magician! Only With Your Help can reach out and inform other people about File Magician. Thanks Ever So Much For Your Support! Sincerely Terry & Signa Bullard THE STORY... After the release of FMV3 it was near computer burn out time after programming all winter with many 20 hour days. When a person sits behind a computer for long periods of time 7 days week, month after month, your body deteriorates in muscle tone and overall good health. So with myself being in that state it was time to take a break and get back in shape. About the only thing that can drag me away from this computer is gold hunting and that is what I did. I had the good fortune to meet some people in southern Oregon that owns a mining claim in the Rogue River area. Their claim has a medium sized creek that flows nearly a half mile though the property and has never been dredged for gold to any extent. I was lucky enough to receive a invite to look for gold on their claim! The property was beautiful and I could actually camp right along side the creek and virtually had the entire area to myself. It was remote with cougars, bears and all other forms of wildlife passing THROUGH my camp, but still a thing to behold. To make the story short and not too boring I spent the next 4 months making 6 trips down to this wonderful spot, spending weeks at a time finding gold. My days consisted of dredging the creek from dawn till dark, eating out of tin cans and sleeping in my truck. It wasn't long before the locals nicknamed me the Creek Hermit! It might sound like a drag for many but to me it was heaven and I did create lots and lots of spawning areas for salmon!! I should explain that, a dredge sucks up the gravel and hopefully gold from creek bottom and shoots the material through a sluice where the gold is trapped and tailings, smaller gravel, is left behind. As you work your way up the sides of a creek with your dredge the tailings reform a perfect spawning ground for fish. The experience was really neat, you can really get in touch with the earth when staying in wilds and your main company was the fish that were always near the dredge nozzle looking for a easy meal as the creek bottom was exposed. Ah yes I forgot to mention that I was underwater with a mask and wetsuit while dredging so it was easy to see what the fishes were up to and thrill of seeing gold sucked into the dredge! Then All too soon the season was over. Yes I was lucky, not only in finding gold but in having a wonderful wife that put up with all my doings and kept things alive on the home front. Now that the gold fever has left me and I'm back to reality I feel guilty, not only to my wife but to all the people that have registered FM that are waiting patiently for additional updates. So the idea of giving away Gold Nuggets to registered owners of FM is not solely promotional. Keep in mind that these Nuggets represent not only something that is one of a kind but a huge amount of blood, sweat, and a hell of a lot of sore muscles!!! A Note about the Nuggets: The creek from which these nuggets were found will not be named in this file but will be with the nugget documentation that accompanies the nugget packet. The nuggets do come from a creek that contains some of the purest gold in Southern Oregon, 998.2 fine. Actually it is some of the purest gold found anywhere on the west coast of the US. There is a limited supply so it is a first come first serve basis, but a lot of people can be served! grin As I said before not all the nuggets are clunkers but they do classify as jewelry gold and are larger then anything I found for the entire year of 1992.